Japan still surprising- Nara & Osaka

And so my journey continues… The next two days I spent in Nara and Osaka.


Nara is very much different from Tokyo. It is a very small city in comparison, but what it offers cannot be seen anywhere in Tokyo… Nara is famous for their wild deers that can walk free around the city, although the majority of them lives in the Nara Park, which is the main touristic spot in the city. As you will enter the park, the deers will start approach you, if you want you can feed them with special deer cookies (which are no different from human cookied) that are sold around the park. I would suggest just having a one day stroll around the park and discovering its perks. Here is what you can find there:


Todaiji Temple



Nara Park


Kofukuji Temple


Nara National Museum


At the end of the day in Nara I have moved to Osaka for the night and the next day. Osaka may not be as big as Tokyo but it is another big city with many various attractions to discover.


Strolling in Osaka has led me to finding weirdly themed building, which I am sure are very appealing to many visitors.



The famous Jizzling Cheesecake-this one I found on the Internet the day I was arriving in Osaka and I knew I had to try it. If you love cheesecakes as much as I do, you will definitely enjoy this one. It is not that sweet but its texture does the job!



Osaka Castle- great view at Osaka and great place to learn about the local history!


Okonomiyaki-One of the bestest dishes I have eaten in Japan. There is no concrete recipe for this one, as okonomi means “what you like” and yaki means “grilled”. This dish can be made of literally everything as long as it is made with the special method. Okonomiyaki comes from Osaka so this should be the place to try them for the first time, but you can find them in other cities too.

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So these are the highlights of my time in Nara and Osaka. In the next post I will summarize my entire trip to Japan and recommend a schedule for a two week trip based on my mistakes and what I have learned. Till the next one!

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